Keep their ears clean & healthy
Your furry friend’s ears have a different anatomy than humans’. What makes them unique is the L-shape of the ear canal.
This canal contains glands that secrete wax, a substance that both cleanses and protects the ear.
A healthy ear stays clean thanks to a natural self-cleansing mechanism.
- Over-production of earwax
- Earwax build-up issues
- Hair at the entrance of the canal; narrow canal favoring earplugs
What products should I use?
A cleanser:
– Effective in promoting the
elimination of earwax
– Gentle to respect the ear’s physiology
– Deodorizing to fight against bad odors
Red, smelly ears: could it be otitis?
Otitis externa is an inflammation of the ear canal that could be exacerbated by a bacterial or fungal infection.
Poodles, Bichon, Shi-Tzus...
Hair in the ears
Sharpeis, Pugs…
Narrow canals
Cocker spaniels, Lop-eared rabbits…
Floppy, poorly ventilated ears
French Bulldogs, Westies...
Allergy-prone animals
Otitis externa: proper hygiene is required
-To cleanse and prepare the canal for the treating care
-To help maintain the balance of the ear flora and limit relapses