By your side since 2003

Laboratoire pharmaceutique vétérinaire au service
Laboratoire pharmaceutique vétérinaire au service des vétérinaires et ASV

Veterinarians & veterinary nurses

Service and

Laboratoire pharmaceutique vétérinaire au service des propriétaires d'animaux
Laboratoire pharmaceutique vétérinaire au service des propriétaires d'animaux

Pet owners

of use

Laboratoire pharmaceutique vétérinaire au service de vos animaux
Laboratoire pharmaceutique vétérinaire au service de vos animaux



Service and

of use


Natural, safe & effective products

Soins dermatologiques vétérinaire avec 100% actifs naturels

Natural formula based

on the expertise of phytotherapy
and aromatherapy

Essential oils
Other natural

Based on advances in green technology, Dermoscent® offers high-quality formula through a combination of expertise in the fields of phytotherapy and aromatherapy. Each product is developed using active ingredients of 100% natural origin, rigorously selected for their properties and purity.

Stringent requirements

Evidence-based efficacy

Significant R&D investments

Dermoscent, laboratoire de dermo-cosmétique animale
Publications in
peer-reviewed journals
Presentations in national and
The only natural veterinary dermo-care product mentioned in the ICADA guidelines
  • Proven efficacy: the alliance of nature and science
  • Scientifically documented and recognized natural ingredients for optimal tolerance; solid bibliographic data; selection of safety criteria to formulate products that respect the pH of animals’ skin.
  • Research and development: methods on reconstructed skin; veterinary studies on innovative areas (microbiota, bacterial biofilm, etc.)
  • Delivery of substances that the skin needs: essential fatty acids, ceramides, etc.

Our CSR approach

The Dermoscent® laboratory is committed to a Corporate Social Responsibility approach that integrates sustainable development as criterion into its medium and long-term strategy.

This approach is structured on three main axes:

Laboratoire basé à Castres dans le Tarn
Laboratoire pharmaceutique vétérinaire basé à Castres dans le Tarn

Made in France

  • Dermoscent® is based in Castres (Tarn region) in the south of France
  • Network of local, regional and national partners to promote employment in France and minimize environmental impact: opting for a rationalized distance between various stakeholders (suppliers, manufacturers, etc.) as much as possible.
Packagings Dermoscent dotés d’une écriture Braille
Packagings Dermoscent dotés d’une écriture Braille


  • Packaging with Braille writing
  • Annual donation to the French Federation of Guide Dog Associations (FFAC)
  • Partnership with companies that employ persons with disabilities.
Dermoscent adhère à la charte éco-emballage et limite le suremballage
Dermoscent adhère à la charte éco-emballage et limite le suremballage

Planet preservation

The company adheres to an eco-packaging charter and is committed to selecting more environmentally friendly packaging components which are recyclable or made of biobased or recycled materials while limiting over-packaging.

Apprenez à bien trier vos emballages

Vous ne savez pas comment trier les emballages de vos soins Dermoscent® ?

Suivez le guide ci-dessous ou bien découvrez plus d’informations sur le tri sur


En suivant ces consignes simples, apprenez à trier et recycler afin de protéger l’environnement


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Étui et norice

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À recycler dans le bac de tri des emballages.